Is a Healthy Mind the Secret to a Healthy Body?

According to Shaffer-Hudson, a study of adolescents found that the overall perceived good physical health was strongly linked to life satisfaction and feeling excited, strong and proud. Those who said they felt lonelier, guiltier, more anxious and depressed and who were more likely to display undesirable behaviors reported being less healthy physically.

Neurolinguistic Hypnotherapy is an advanced form of guided meditation which allows us to access ordinary parts of our memory which are sometimes occluded from our day to day thoughts, but which impacts our moods, which in turn impacts our health and wellbeing.

Wellpro offers dynamic support at the level that will matter most in personal change for dynamic growth.

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About the Author, Stephanie Niazi

Stephanie Niazi is committed to transforming your life. By incorporating Evidence Based Nutrition, Holistic and Alternative Nutrition, Metabolic Typing, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Reflexology, her holistic coaching service gets to the grass root of the cause.

With an international coaching career and training across the U.S., UK, France, and UAE, she is experienced in diet, nutrition, herbal medicine, health, wellness, lifestyle change and the fundamentals of Chinese medicine.

Today, Stephanie lives between Pakistan and Dubai with her lovely husband and daughter, and enjoys spending time cooking paleo food and walking on her beautiful farm.

Learn more about Stephanie Niazi

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