1:1 Services

For my one-on-one coaching and therapy sessions, I offer tailored packages for clients that combine several services, or treatments, for personalized health solutions. The tailored, combination treatment approach has proven to be the most effective method to see the best results, even after just one session. Below you can read all about the services I offer.

For group sessions, you can browse through my Wellpro workshops here.

Let’s connect for a complimentary consultation so we can work out which is the right solution for you.

CPCC-Certified Life Coaching


Coaching is a relationship 

Life Coaching is a special relationship between coach and client, based on trust. It addresses the clients dreams, and ambitions for fulfillment. Challenges or negative self-talk in a client’s personal or professional life can slow down or completely stop one from moving ahead. The coaching relationship is designed to assist you in navigating the terrain for success confidentially and powerfully. It is said that your dreams are only limited by your belief in yourself. 

A holistic approach 

With my holistic approach to life coaching, specialized techniques and powerful questions allow you to connect and build your relationship with the best version of yourself: the part of you who is fearless and relentless in the pursuit of what is best for you. Once this relationship is established, you can begin aligning to your true potential. Together we find the secret switch to what we call Emotional Intelligence, which turns that potential on and easily supplies you with newfound ability to create exactly what you want. 

Developing more ease 

Having a coach does not add more to your already busy schedule! Energy is gained and things get easier and more stress free as you simplify, magnify and learn to focus on what matters most. Coaching requires an average of 8 sessions, scheduled across 8 weeks, depending on your aim to: 

  • Build self-confidence

  • Increase self-esteem

  • Develop healthy eating habits

  • Become a team player that wins

  • Shift careers

  • Speak more powerfully to activate your potential

  • Achieve work/life balance

  • Activate your life purpose and bloom

  • Manage stress

  • Reverse negative self-talk

  • Stop procrastination

  • And more

Holistic Health Coaching


Holistic Health Coaching is integrated holistic approach to wellbeing, including nutritional guidance and holistic evaluation for complete integration of dietary, behavior and lifestyle change.

Iridology, hypnotherapy, life coaching, and NLP are all used to integrate your constitutional dietary guidelines of detox, acid alkaline balance, immune boosting, metabolic typing, and gut health evaluation for optimal performance and vitality, taking you fully to the next level of personal achievement.

Things that started so out of balance, ended up in perfect circularity and order—something I certainly did not think possible! — MK, Therapist



When the body and mind are fully awake and relaxed, we can more easily help ourself to shift into positive and healthy lifestyle and behavior change. Unhealthy cravings and negative thought patterns can easily shift into healthy choices and behavior shifts. Become the best version of yourself by releasing old behavior patterns set in the subconscious.

“When locked emotions are released, and hidden apprehensions and thoughts are unleashed and dealt with.. There is a massive sense of relief and calmness!” — Niti Gupta



Rid yourself of acute and chronic issues in the body and mind through traditional reflex therapy using the highly accredited Eunice Engham system, fully versed in holistic sciences such as the therapeutic massage, reflex points, nutrition, supplements, anatomy, physiology and pathology.

“I found her sessions to be incredibly relaxing and healing. Not only did Stephanie focus upon the physical symptoms with reflexology, but also the emotional and spiritual with Reiki and guided visualizations. Everything was approached in a sensitive and safe manner” — Lucy Lucas, HR Manager