About Stephanie Niazi

About Stephanie Niazi

International Holistic Health & Life Coach

Stephanie is a leading international holistic health and life coach, born and raised in California. She is currently working as a Therapist, Coach and Trainer, between Lahore, Pakistan and Dubai, UAE.

Stephanie coaches clients from all over the world, as she offers the flexibility for either online or in-person coaching. Her international qualifications include accreditations from the US, UK, France and Dubai.


“My story with natural healing and my respect for nature goes back to my childhood in California. Camping trips around crystal clear lakes were accompanied by discussions with my father, about the nature of the trees, plants and animals. My grandmother’s garden, and her secret remedies bore fast results for a myriad of my childhood issues, bumps and bruises, earaches and fevers. We were taught that if we were not living in harmony with nature or being responsible for its upkeep, that we would not be whole human beings.”

Stephanie’s holistic & professional journey

Stephanie became a certified Reflexology Therapist in the UK in 2000, and certified in many health and beauty treatments. The Chinese 5 Element Beauty and Health Secrets, Acupressure for Hormonal balance, and Color Therapy for Inner Beauty trainer in 2001. Upon moving to Dubai in 2002, Stephanie established one of the first holistically based beauty product companies in the Middle East - Holistic Beauty and Body Essentials. She received great press and media for the dramatic tribal look of Chinese Reflexology Facials and was the first to introduce Facial Mapping- a technique which allows you to understand what health issues are generating aging in the face and what the bodies weakness and excesses are, by the different expressions and markings on the face. She taught throughout the Middle East about the 5 element principles of wood, earth, fire, water and metal, color therapy using natural color clay from around the world. She taught that the face and body are maps and have energetic predispositions. She was passionate about all aspects of the intelligence behind her products and therapy, but eventually she realized that she wanted to develop her passion to work more intuitively and clinically with people to connect to deeper and lasting wellbeing and health. In 2010 she became a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner-DHHP. Stephanie set up Wellpro in 2015, for assessing and achieving optimal health and personal development.

A key turning point in Stephanie’s life

The last thing Stephanie expected with her transition into full time study into holistic medicine was to be faced with a disease of her own. During her time studying her body began to rebel. What started out as extreme gastritis with overall body stiffness, progressed into chronic pain. multiple frozen shoulders, joint inflammation in her hands and feet, coccydynia, an inflamed tailbone, where she could no longer sit without a pillow, the inability to sleep without a pillow or to walk without severe exhaustion and pain in her hips. Those familiar with chronic inflammation might realize that this is accompanied by required afternoon naps and sleeping early… very little social life. While visiting different Rheumatologists over a two year period, she was diagnosed with Cervical Splondylitis which was creating a small hump at the back of the neck leading to kephosis, which progressed into what is called Undifferentiated Spondylo-Arthritis, with multiple frozen shoulder, joint and finger disfigurement beginning to surface. For some mysterious reason, exercise was debilitating and none of the herbal remedies that she now knew so well about, were having any effect. In fact they made her feel worse!

The final straw

One year later in 2009 an excruciating experience happened after only 8 small laps in her pool. That evening she got what felt like a terrible case of indigestion. By 1:00 AM this indigestion seemed to compress her chest cavity and sent her into emergency with what felt like a heart attack. She was diagnosed with Costal Chondritis, an inflammatory condition which mimics a heart attack. Costal Chondritis was the worse news she could imagine as this condition and the lower back pain were key indicators for the advancement of her condition into Ankylosing Spondilitis.

A difficult decision to make

She did not take any of the medicine prescribed by the Reumatologist in those two years, optimistic that a more natural solution, free of long term side effects, was around the corner. While in emergency she had to once again ask herself the question….”Is this a responsible approach for anyone, let alone a qualified health professional? Have i just developed a phobia and was now totally irresponsible?” The emergency crew told her she had no choice but to take her medicine to slow down the progress of her disease. On the one hand, the medication and muscle relaxants they put her on while in emergency, allowed her to sleep in a normal position for the first time in well over 2 years. She faced her dilemma head on and knew that she had to make the right decision even if it meant she could not cure herself and become resigned to lifelong medications to manage her inflammation better and have her quality of life somewhat back.

One last attempt

The medicine sat on her night stand and as she contemplated the type of impact this would have on her personal psyche and belief in natural medicine and the healing power of food. Now that she felt she was in a worse case scenario with her symptoms she decided to research what she did not yet clinically have. She began researching natural approaches to Ankylosing Spondylitis and discovered a chat support group. This small group was subscribing to a starch limiting diet. Though they did not have any scientific studies to back them, some light studies had found a relationship to bacteria in the gut. She realized that she had experienced two of the bacterial infections mentioned and that subsequent digestive infections seem to set the disease in motion. Eliminating certain foods would starve the bacterial process into submission and the mimic effect onto certain receptor sites in the body could stop.

Quack warnings put to rest

There were and are still, many ‘quack watch’ warnings against any diet which proclaimed success with healing any medical condition and in her case, arthritic conditions like Ankylosing Spondilitis. The information about why the diet was successful seemed compelling, especially with her new understanding about what was possibly causing it and the diet seemed so simple that she gave the special diet a try. Well, within mere days of just changing her food, her gastritis was completely gone, all her stiffness lifted, energy levels improved, and within 30 days a blood profile showed all her inflammatory levels were in normal. She could now manage exercise and long walks and even yoga and all sports, once again. For more than two years prior to this all physical exercise became impossible as it had caused her pain to get worse, no matter how gentle. She was and is very happy to stay on this diet which seems so restrictive for anyone who eats a high carb diet. She was so thankful to be able to find her solution, though not the cure for her condition. She became living proof of the power that food choices have on healing, and this life-changing solution, gave her even more determination and drive to help others struggling against the odds with their health in similar ways, keeping in mind the necessary cautions needed for her clients who have medical conditions to seek first the guidance of their primary care physician.



In 2015, Stephanie founded Wellpro, a wellbeing consulting and training company, that to this day promotes personal development for natural health and wellbeing seekers. 

Through collaborations with health centers, spas, and well-being and medical professionals, Wellpro offers bespoke workshops that cover a wide range of topics.

The tailored workshops ensure you are given exactly what you seek as a group, whether that is permanent weight loss solutions, or even just doubling your teams ability to focus or become more mindful. Wellpro workshops utilize collaboration in order to provide the most effective, holistic workshops possible, that encompass a 360 approach to health and wellbeing.  

Bespoke Coaching

Life coaching is a general term which implies taking on a person to mentor or support personal levels of success. With a CPCC background, Stephanie will coach an individual on all the best aspects of themselves, knowing that while there are different levels of personal success, individuals are innately and naturally very creative, resourceful and whole. Stephanie will build an important relationship with a person and their best performing self. Over several weeks this relationship approach will support the individual to design and sometimes de-bug personal levels of being, commitments, projects and goals for greater levels of success in life and in health. This highly creative and focused approach can help to ignite and unleash potential at an extraordinary level using cutting edge emotional intelligence and mindfulness techniques. Coaching is a transformative and fun way to bring what can seem like magic into the ordinary and mundane parts of life. One will discover a new level of ease in achieving superior results as they continue to develop, build and strengthen their internal source of ability.

Behavior Change

Stephanie will also use deeper body mind techniques when behavior change requires a more in-depth approach. As a fully certified Master NLP practitioner and Neurolinguistic Hypnotherapist, she works with individuals and groups of people to identify and change unwanted behavior patterns

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 70's and is now used widely across the globe by thousands of companies and individuals to be more powerfully engaged in all aspects of work and life using language and visual skills to shift the subconscious map that we view and experience the world with. NLP is the art and science of life performance. NLP has been made very popular with celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Andre Agassi, and Leonardo De Caprio.

Coaching all aspects of personal potential from this multifaceted holistic angle, has enabled her clients to take off and personally manage their wellness and wellbeing goals, learning the life skill to succeed in all aspects of their lives.



Degrees: ASCAM - Honors (USA), AA - Business & Marketing, Honors (USA).

Diplomas: DHHP - Holistic Health Practitioner - ACHS, Master Herbalist - ACHS, Reflexology ITEC (UK).

Certifications: Holistic Nutrition-ACHS, Neurolinguistic Hypnotherapist, NLP Neurolinguistic Practitioner, Reiki Master-Teacher, Advanced Pranic and Psycho-Pranic Healing, LaPhyto (Fr) .

Professionals Associations: NANP, the National Association of Nutritional Professionals, IIPA, the International Iridology Practitioners Association, NFNP, the National Federation of Neurolinguistic Programming.

Press Received


I would, with excitement, recommend Stephanie to my friends, who can use her help to step onto the next level of success in their professional and personal lives. If you are wondering about personal growth, feeling stuck, stagnant, or in need of guidance, take the first step in the right direction and call Stephanie.
— SQ, Investment Banker
I am more than happy to endorse Stephanie Niazi as a wonderful and inspiring Life Coach and Trainer. Her Life Coaching technique is fascinating and an innovative way to make the difficult changes needed to one’s life.
— MK, Therapist
The energy unleashed during these sessions can be so positive and powerful! I had proposals and job offers, and felt a complete perspective and energy shift that I believe was largely propelled through Stephanie’s coaching.
— SK, Learning Programs Manager